
My name is Phoebe Hung and my candidate number is 8017. I completed brief 1: music industry. I worked with Georgina Harper-Dennett (8720) and Gabriel Meytanis (8560). To see my work, please click on the 3 labels on the right named A2 Research and Planning, A2 Construction, and A2 Evaluation.

This is our music video

This is our music video. Please view it in 1080p for optimal experience.

My Music Video

Front digipak text

These are the front panels of our digipak album cover:

Digipak front cover image

Digipak front cover image

Inside digipak text

These are the inside panels of our album digipak:

Digipak inside cover image

Digipak inside cover image
Our website:

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Wednesday, 3 February 2016

R&P post 13: Our shoot-board

The shoot-board enabled our group to order our shots so that we could shoot more efficiently. Essentially, it is the order in which we would shoot on the day of filming, but not the chronological order of the finished sequence.

This is an example of how we constructed our shoot-board:
Our initial shoot-board for our test shoot

The four of us worked on a section each so as to complete the shoot-board quickly and methodically.

We grouped the shots into separate locations and sets so that we could shoot as much as possible without having to change camera framing or positioning. We produced our shoot-board by creating a gridded table, adding the photos of the post-it-notes and filled in the location, actors, props, and the proposed timings for each shot. We allocated the jobs of director, camera and sound beforehand because we thought that it would save time. However, this proved not to be the case as on the day, it was changed to save time during the shoot.

Our revised shoot-board for our main shoot

The shoot-board was essential to the planning process as it allowed us to manage our time; we appointed break times ahead of time and during the shoot, we could see if we were on schedule or not. Our initial shoot-board for the test shoot was revised for the main and back up shoots.

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