
My name is Phoebe Hung and my candidate number is 8017. I completed brief 1: music industry. I worked with Georgina Harper-Dennett (8720) and Gabriel Meytanis (8560). To see my work, please click on the 3 labels on the right named A2 Research and Planning, A2 Construction, and A2 Evaluation.

This is our music video

This is our music video. Please view it in 1080p for optimal experience.

My Music Video

Front digipak text

These are the front panels of our digipak album cover:

Digipak front cover image

Digipak front cover image

Inside digipak text

These are the inside panels of our album digipak:

Digipak inside cover image

Digipak inside cover image
Our website:

Please click on the image below to enter the site

Monday, 4 January 2016

R&P post 1: How we intend to work as a group

In our first meeting, our group decided to meet for two hours a week in order to plan our project. We chose to meet in the media department where we had access to equipment and technology we could use for research, planning and production.

We decided to meet at these times each week:

Wednesday 3:55 - 4:55 pm
Friday 3:55 - 4:55 pm

We all agreed that we would turn up to meetings on time with research and planning that we carry out in our own time so that we could use our time in the meetings effectively. In order to keep in regular contact, we set up a Facebook group and exchanged mobile numbers so that we could inform or ask each other anything immediately.

The brief: to produce a 2 minute opening sequence for a fiction film. All video and audio material must be original, produced by the candidate(s), with the exception of music or audio effects from a copyright-free source. It should be clear from your sequence who the target audience is.

I look forward to completing the project, along with learning new skills, and using the theory that I have learnt in class.

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